
Every action counts 👌

Every year there are millions of synthetic sponges that are used and then thrown away, but whose chemical components and the micro-plastics they contain make thier recycling process extremely difficult and in many cases it makes even simple the disposal almost impossible. Our sponges are not only free from plastics and synthetic materials, which make their disposal nothing more than a simple composting, but also help us to get closer to a more accessible idea of sustainability.

The change from synthetic sponges or even those of animal origin, such as sea sponges, which even if natural their cultivation can be extremely harmful and invasive for marine ecosystems, is a small step that we can all take to try to reverse our impact on the climate and the consequences this could have.


Sustainability at 360°

The awareness of being part of an innovative and sustainable movement pushes and motivates us to go further and join many Luffa growers around the world in finding new ways and uses for a plant that is still to be discovered; as in the textile, construction and gastronomic fields. This, to give our impact as much resonance as possible.

For us, however, it is not just a matter of climate. While central, it is also of fundamental importance to have an impact on our community. This is why we actively collaborate and engage with social and charitable associations with which through awareness-raising and involvement activities we promote the importance of becoming aware of our influence on the environment and what we can do to help our planet. All this, starting from a simple sponge.