Farmer 2.0

Premise 👨‍🌾

Surely one of the most important things for LuffaTi is its community. We would never have thought that the response with those who over time have known us and started to follow would be so positive. The interest that these people showed in our project and philosophy filled our hearts with joy and gave us the right motivation to continue on this intense, tiring but very rewarding path.

Precisely for this reason we considered it appropriate to find a way to involve any person who is passionate or simply interested in the subject.

Farming is a job that many people enjoy and are interested in, but it is also a very hard job that requires a lot of resources. It is therefore not always possible to practice this passion for one reason or another.

Farmer 2.0

Farmer 2.0 gives everyone the opportunity to give their own contribution to this project directly from home, thus creating a network of remote farmers who support us and become part of the LuffaTi family.

Directly from our site, with a minimum amount of CHF 100, you have the opportunity to adopt a plant online at our Luffa cultivation.

This amount includes:

  • Receive an official certificate of adoption
  • Give the adopted plant a name
  • Provide for the needs of the plant (fertilizers, plant protection products, labor)
  • Possibility of visiting your plant and cultivation upon appointment
  • Receive updates on plant development every two weeks
  • At the end of the cultivation cycle, two super exclusive products are delivered to your home: a processed and ready-to-use fruit (size 30 - 50 cm) and a LuffaTi t-shirt owned only by team members.
Become a Farmer 2.0